“There’s a certain magic to be found in our built environment—where edges meet, light and colors converge, and surfaces create unique textures and patterns.

One freezing cold day when I was very small, a pipe burst in the ceiling of our little apartment. Water was leaking everywhere—filling the overhead light fixtures and oozing from wall switches and outlets. A few weeks later, cracks started to appear, and the painted plaster ceilings began to discolor and peel. I’m sure my family was quite alarmed, but I just found it curious and fascinating lying in bed, picking out interesting designs and connections I would discover in the decay above me..

That childhood experience set me on a lifelong obsession—searching for interesting and unusual abstract shapes, color plays, contrasts, complex structural details, and geometries that peak our curiosity, inviting our eyes to explore and journey through and beyond.

I try to make each new artwork a challenge and an opportunity to grow both artistically and spiritually. Generally, my ideas are worked-out on the computer. I’ll experiment with layers of shapes, colors, transparencies, and values, creating a maquette print-out to use as a guide. Then I try to figure out the best way to go about making the final painting to the best of my ability.

Making art is an interesting and therapeutic process of rediscovering who I am, rooted in the past, but always looking forward to discovering something unique and new.”